Thursday, July 8, 2010

'VIP mode' for iphone

I got this idea from a thread on reddit today. Here is the situation:

Imagine you are off for three months, watching your daughter under fantastic social laws in Sweden. Your primary phone is also your work phone. After the first week, you get tired of fending off customers and partners (Though you know i love you all!), but want to get calls from people you designate as "important".


You get stuck on call for work, and want to only have the phone ring when there is a 3:am emergency, not when your friend in India wants to call and see how things are?

On a Nokia, or Android phone, this wouldn't pose a problem, they both support profiles or applications that allow this. On the iphone, however, unless you want to jailbreak, you are left without many options.
Here is my workaround; Add this ringtone to your ringers in itunes. This ringtone consists of 29.5 seconds of complete silence. Now set this to your primary ringtone, and set the VIP(s) to any other ringer. I'll Suggest 'Alarm' for the use case above. This way, anyone who is unapproved can be ignored.

Since Apple doesn't see fit to give us custom SMS tones, you'll probably want to disable to SMS notification.

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