Monday, November 9, 2009

Geektool is awesome

So a recent thread on reddit reminded me how awesome Geektool is, especially since the 3.0 RC is out. I set to make my desktop geekier, and provide some interesting info as well.
With sourcefire, its important to know what the latest SEU (snort rules) is. I put together a script to show this on my desktop using geektool:
curl 2>/dev/null|grep "SEU Update"|grep -o "SEU\ *[0-9]\{3\}"|grep -o "[0-9]\{3\}"|awk '{print "SEU: " $1}'
Yeah, its ugly, but it does the job alright. Any of you uberscripters want to clean it up, make it more elegant, and make me look foolish, please feel free to do so. :)

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